By Ruth Muleya
Dear Year 13,
What a stressful season this must have been for you. I remember feeling sick on the day of my results. I couldn’t think straight. But without a doubt, Results Day 2020 is one for the books!
I can only empathise with you all because things may seem hopeless for the future of society. However, bare with me’s not! Here are 3 reasons why you should be excited for what’s to come in the future.
Teachers and Schools: You might not believe it, but your teachers have been fighting hard for you. We have advocated for you at every corner because we want you to succeed. Even if things are still up in the air, please know that teachers are fighting on your behalf at every single stage. The greater part of the education sector and your own friends and families have been making their voices heard to amplify your concerns. So I guess what I’m trying to say is, you’re not alone. We’re all rooting for you!
Voting Age: Forgive me if I’ve rooted up your English GCSE texts, that you’d far rather have buried in year 11 but think back to An Inspector Calls or A Christmas Carol. Writers used their voices to speak out again political injustices and now you, even if you’re not a writer, can do the same. By August 31st you should all be of legal voting age. So next election, VOTE. Remind the country’s leaders that you have a voice that WILL be heard and respected. You won’t be forgotten or counted out. Take some time to look at the different ideologies of the different parties and start to decide which best match your own values. There are also various quizzes online that align you with specific ideologies, so this is also worth looking into!
Celebrate: You have completed compulsory education! And despite this “unprecedented time”, it should not be missed that you have hit a significant milestone. You life is stretching out before you and autonomy is in your hands. And I’m here to share that although A-levels and university/FE (if you have chosen to go) may seem definitive and certain, you still have time to decide, change your mind and decide again. You have real life options now. You can travel. You can study. You can work. These choices are open to you because of your hard work, so take time to celebrate that. It’s no small feat.
I don’t want to come across as overly optimistic or tone deaf here, as 2020 has been an incredibly difficult year for everyone in varying degrees. But I just wanted to remind you of some small aspects of joy that you can revel in.
Year 12, be proud of yourself wherever you may sit in this spectrum of chaos. Things have been hard but you’re still standing. Whether you got those results and the place on your HE course. Or if you didn’t get the grades and you’re looking at your options. Be proud because things are changing for you. You’re going to transition into a new part of life; adulthood. I hope and pray it treats you well and you get everything you imagined out of it.
To the future!
(At The Heart Trustee & English Teacher)